Veep Drinking Game

Cingular Customer Service (AT&T)

Have you ever wondered why Cingular (AT&T) has such crappy customer service? Having worked many years for Cingular I can tell you.

first off, the company locates its call centers in BFE, where they hire the lowest wage and educated people possible. Most anyone with actual intelligence will go to work somewhere else for more money. But since the call centers are located in regions with cheap labor, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

They are in a union and no matter how incompetent people are, it’s almost impossible to fire them.

The information that is sent to call center reps doesn’t actually tell them how to fix problems. And it’s written so poorly even if it did tell them how to fix a problem they wouldn’t understand it. Take into consideration the same low-end customer service reps are the ones who eventually get promoted and end up writing many of the processes and policies.

Tier 2 people are no different than the tier 1 support people. Since they are unionized as well, so when a customer service rep goes to the tier 2 department they don’t get a raise. And when they move to that department it’s not based on skill level it’s based primarily on time employed with the company.

And let's be honest, I know I am calling out this one company but the reality is, it is no different than any other company that has online or call in support. Most of the customer service agents are located overseas in countries where people are not native English speakers. And the ones that are located in the US are located in call centers in places most people don't want to be.


Anonymous said…
Hi Cranky_Money. It is indeed frustrating to work in a company that doesn't share your passion for good customer service. I agree that training and information being fed to the front liners (reps) should be beneficial not only to the customer but for the agent as well.